
The Israeli company needs to import bicycles from Vietnam

Japanese companies in Osaka need to find partners in Vietnam to produce bags of cotton, polyester, non-woven fabrics, materials from PP, PVC, thermal bags, ... (model as illustrated image

Vietnam Trade Office in Algeria introduces the list of Algerian companies importing and exporting bicycles and motorbikes for local enterprises.

Vietnam Trade Office in Algeria introduces the list of Algerian companies importing stainless steel products for domestic enterprises interested.

Partners looking for manufacturers of kitchen appliances from Vietnam.

Austrian companies are looking for manufacturers of bamboo products to process bamboo cocktails.

US Enterprise Noah's Manufacturing, Inc. Looking for manufacturers of outdoor furniture materials - Bamboo Rattan - Aluminum - Iron - Plastic

A US retailer looking for a home-made household appliance for Home Depot and Lowe's Home with the following items:

Importers in Bulgaria need to find partners to produce, supply sawdust pellets.

Myanmar's diplomatic mission in Vietnam has announced that the 2019 Myanmar Investment Summit will be held at the Myanmar International Convention Center, Naypitaw, Myanmar from 28 to 29 January.
