Taiwanese businesses look for purple sweet potato suppliers. (02/20/2025)
Accordingly, finished purple sweet potato products need to meet Taiwan's regulations on food hygiene and safety and origin (Quarantine Certificate and C/O) in which the basic requirements include: potatoes with a size of 200 ~ 400g/piece (abdominal diameter about 3cm) must be washed, free of dirt, trimmed and steamed until cooked (60 ~ 70%) and packaged in food bags according to packaging specifications. 1kg (or manufacturer's standard but not lower than 1kg/bag) and transported cold for import to Taiwan.
Details of buying and selling requests are directly discussed by the two Parties.
Vietnamese businesses capable of supplying the above products, please send information introducing capacity (in English or traditional Chinese), along with the business card of the sales officer to the Trade Office in the following method:
Trade Department, Vietnam Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei
Vietnam Economic Cultural Office in Taipei- Commercial Division
Add: 3F. - 1, No.101 Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei 10486, Taiwan.
Tel: +886 -2- 25036840
Fax: +886 -2- 25036842
Email: tw@moit.gov.vn
Source: Vietnam Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei (China).