Denmark updates some new rules to implement EU Organic Regulation (03/01/2022)
After being postponed for a year due to the Corona pandemic, the EU's new organic regulation (2018/848 on organic production and labeling) came into effect from 1 January 2022. To implement the new EU regulation, Denmark updated a number of rules and guidelines.

New eco executive order and new eco guide

The new eco-regulatory order comes into effect from January 1, 2022, so the Danish Food and Veterinary Administration has also issued guidance on the new organic rules.

Certified organic by retailers of unpackaged organic food

Under the new regulations, retail stores that sell "unpackaged" organic food to end consumers must be certified and controlled for organic matter. However, retail stores may be exempt from the requirement if their sales of unpackaged organic products do not exceed 5000 kg per product/year, or do not generate an annual turnover of more than 20,000 EUR (approximately approx. 149,200 DKR).

Eco-certificates will replace eco-test statements in 2022

From January 1, 2022, the previous “eco-inspection declarations” will be replaced by “eco-certificates”. From January 1, 2022, the Danish Food and Veterinary Authority will issue a new organic certificate in the new EU organic certification system (which is part of the TRACES system).
New regulations on importing organic food from third countries

The new procedures for importing organic products from third countries applied in Denmark are as follows:

Organic shipments, as a general rule, are subject to organic import control at an organic approved border control point or an approved control point. A list of approved border control points can be viewed here.

+ The form of advance notification has been changed, as it is now required not only to provide a customs reference number, but also to provide a CHED number for organic shipments that will be inspected at the border.

+ The Danish Food and Veterinary Administration will approve and sign the control certificate and partial control certificate in TRACES with a digital seal. The customs authority does not have to sign the control certificate anymore, but only releases the shipment for free circulation. Importers must continue to notify Customs whether the product is organic and include the control certificate number in their customs records.
Source: Vietnam Trade Office in Sweden